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22 3 Continuous Functions If c ∈ A is an accumulation point of A, then continuity of f at c is equivalent to the condition that lim x!c f(x) = f(c), meaning that the limit of f as x → c exists and is equal to the value of f at c Example 33 If f (a,b) → R is defined on an open interval, then f is continuous on (a,b) if and only iflim x!c f(x) = f(c) for every a < c < bA n d t h o s e e x p e c t a t i o n s a r e g e n e r a l l y u n observable As reviewed briefly in the next section, past r e s e a r c h e r s h a v e t r i e d t o m e a s u r e s u c h e x p e c t a t i o n s i n s e v e r a l ways, none of which is completely c o n v i n c i n gIt is an elementary exercise to show that if H is a bivariate distribution function with marginals F and G, then max{F(x)G(y)−1,0}≤H(x,y) ≤ min{F(x),G(y)} (1) or since H(x,y)=C(F(x),G(y)) W(u,v)=max{uv −1,0}≤C(u,v) ≤ min{u,v} = M(u,v) (2) This inequality is known as the Fr´echetHoeffding bounds inequality, and the func tions W and M as the Fr´echetHoeffding lower and



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